Steve Evans asked me a question today that was kind of interesting. His question was something like:
“I have a view that returns data from multiple tables. I want two of the columns returned through the view to be case sensitive. Can I just have the view treat those two columns as case sensitive, or do I have to define those two columns on the tables as case sensitive?”
Or more generically, “Can I return a column in a view with a different collation than the source column?”.
The short answer, is that yes, we can enforce a collation on a column in a view that is different than the collation on the source columns.
The following code creates a view that returns the ProductID column, and two versions of the Name column from the AdventureWorks.Production.Product table. The first Name column is left to the same collation as the source column, but the second Name column (aliased as NameSensitive) specifies a case sensitive collation for the column in the view.
USE AdventureWorks;
Name COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS AS NameSensitive
FROM Production.Product;
Name COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS AS NameSensitive
Most database developers know collations can be applied to databases and columns, but many don’t realize that we can apply collations to expressions as well. That is exactly what we are doing in that line. We are applying the case sensitive collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS to the expression in the select list.
After running the code above to make the view, we can test that it works correctly by running the following statements:
–Should match at least one row. The [Name] column
–is not case sensitive
SELECT * FROM Production.ProductSensitive
WHERE Name=‘awc logo cap’;
–Won’t match any rows because [NameSensitive] is
–case sensitive
SELECT * FROM Production.ProductSensitive
WHERE NameSensitive=‘awc logo cap’;
–Will match rows because [NameSensitive] is
–case sensitive, and the ‘AWC Logo Cap’ literal
–uses the proper case.
SELECT * FROM Production.ProductSensitive
WHERE NameSensitive=‘AWC Logo Cap’;
Anyhow, that was a fun question to answer, and thought it might be of either real use, or at last theoretical use to others. Let me know if you end up using somewhere and why.