Ok, I learned a cool feature of the GO command in SQL Server client tools (osql, sqlcmd and SQL Server Management Studio). That is that you can add a number [Count] after the GO keyword. The client tool will then execute the batch that precedes the GO the number of times specified by the [Count] value.
It looks like this was added back in SQL 2005, and I just never noticed it. So, it’s new to me!
For Example, the following batch submitted in a SQL Server Management Studio query window
SET NOCOUNT ON –just to cut down on the output…
SELECT ‘Hey, that’’s cool!’ AS Neat
GO 3
Produced the following output:
Beginning execution loop
Hey, That’s Cool!
Hey, That’s Cool!
Hey, That’s Cool!
Batch execution completed 3 times.
You can read the docs at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188037.aspx